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New Mexico Oversize Permits Information

The following information about New Mexico Oversize Permits is for informational purposes only. It’s important to always read your permits and provisions sheets carefully as we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. If you have any questions or need assistance, you can contact the following number.
New Mexico DOT #: 505-476-2475
New Mexico Oversize Permits Duration
Oversize permits in New Mexico have a validity of five days. Additionally, these permits can be obtained at Ports of Entry, as long as the size of the load does not necessitate a bridge check or route survey.
Operating Time
Travel is permitted from half an hour before sunrise to half an hour after sunset, Monday through Saturday. For overweight-only loads, continuous travel is allowed. Continuous travel is also permitted if the dimensions do not exceed 10 feet in width, 14 feet 6 inches in height, 120 feet in length, and/or 140,000 pounds in weight.
Restricted Travels in New Mexico
Movement is restricted between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the municipalities of Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and Espanola. In Santa Fe, additional restrictions are in place between 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., excluding SR599. Curfew times do not apply to I-25 through Santa Fe but are applicable on Interstates in Albuquerque. Travel is prohibited during adverse weather conditions with visibility less than 1000 feet or wind speeds of 25 miles per hour or more. No movement is allowed on major holidays, and closures may commence at noon on the day before the holiday.
Call (832) 454-5883 For Permit Consultation
Legal Dimensions for New Mexico Oversize Permits
- 57′-6″ trailer on designated highways
- 65′ overall length on all other roads
7′ rear
80,000 Gross
- Single – 21,600
- Tandem – 34,320 10′ Spread – 39,000
- Tridem – Depends on spacings
Routine Permits Limit
Depends on routes.
Depends on routes.
Requirements vary based on routes. For heights of 15 feet 6 inches, a route survey is necessary. For heights of 18 feet, utility surveys and clearance from municipal and local authorities are also required.
- Gross Weight
- 5 axles – 105,000
- 6 axles – 119,000
- 7 axles – 127,000
- Single – 23,000 on Interstate, 18,000 – 20,000 all other roads, depending on spacings
- Tandem – 46,000
- Tridem – 60,000
- Quad – 68,000
Note: In New Mexico, a combination with a spread of 10 feet or more is treated as a tandem rather than two singles.

Escort Conditions for New Mexico Oversize Permits
- Over 90′ – one escort
- Over 110′ – two escorts
- Over 14′ – 1 escort (a few routes require an escort for over 12′ wide)
- Over 20′ – also needs police escort and flagman
For heights exceeding 16 feet, one escort and a route survey are required. Some routes may necessitate a route survey for lower heights as well.
Bulldozer blades and arms exceeding 14 feet in width (measured at right angles to the trailer axis) must be detached and transported in a manner that avoids creating a safety hazard. If dozer blades are shorter than 14 feet wide, they may be hauled without detachment, provided the dozer is securely supported. Removable items such as buckets, blades, counterweights, etc., must be taken off, but can be transported with the load. If the load would be overweight with or without the blade, the blade can be detached and hauled on the same trailer; this information should be specified in the permit. For wide loads, side mirrors must extend far enough to prevent the view from being obstructed by the load.
Signs, Flags & Lights:
For any Oversize, overweight, or overweight-only load, “Oversize Load” or “Wide Load” signs are mandatory on the front of the towing unit and the rear of the load. Red flags, each at least 12 inches square, must be attached to the front right and left sides of the towing unit, as well as to each corner of the load. Towing vehicles pulling oversize loads exceeding 12 feet wide may display an amber rotating flashing beacon atop the cab.